My Search for Joy When I was first diagnosed with a brain injury, Romans 12:2a came to mind. “And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (KJV). This verse gave me hope with this news that…
Author: Pam DePuydt
As a spinal cord/mild brain injury survivor, writer and Inductive Bible study leader, Pam DePuydt encourages women whose spouses live in the aftermath of brain injuries find joy as they lean into the
Word of God together. She is the mother of three, grandmother of eight and hales from Western Montana. She and her photographer husband, Tim, travel the country where he participates in fine art shows.
A Friend? It may be a constant “friend” or a persistent enemy. He may visit anytime day or night. And these visits? They can be mild in nature or raging with vengeance. This “friend?” Pain. Let’s face it, those of us with TBIs may deal…