Unspeakable Joy!! What is that?

It’s the moment your heart skips a beat and your brain is sparked with the notion you are connected! But connected to what or to whom? I would love to help you connect to this “Unspeakable Joy.” Connecting with people, connecting to and with a Savior – Jesus Christ. He is my “Unspeakable Joy.” 

But now you’re asking, “If Jesus is your Unspeakable Joy, how can you speak about Him?”

Let Me Explain

Have you ever had a moment in your life, when something happened in your heart and you just couldn’t explain it? When your heart fluttered, your thoughts went blank and your being was filled with such ELATION?!! And words escaped you – nothing you thought or tried to bring to life with your words could explain how you felt inside. That, my friend, is “Unspeakable Joy.”You are warm inside and out, wrapped in what feels like a cozy blanket set before a blazing fire on a cold winter night. And then, all of a sudden, all you have is the memory. 

Not Just mere words, but…

Now, you can put words to this feeling. But rather than just mere words, you have a name, THE WORD made flesh, JESUS CHRIST. Savior – Wonderful Counselor – Mighty God – Everlasting Father – Prince of Peace. His is King of your heart.

As we walk through this journey called life, we experience moments of that joy. It is something other than “being happy,” for we can hold this joy even during sorrowful times; Jesus did. 

Let us run

“…and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endure the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1b-2

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